
Showing posts from August, 2018

Trump Could Apologize

President Trump is in the later years of life. He has less years to live than he has lived. I am in a similar position in life. He and I have lived many years, made many choices, laid a life path that is marked by multiple events. At this turn in the road, and at McCain's death, Trump has the chance to make amends with the following actions: He could apologize to McCain's family, the American people, and McCain's legacy for the demeaning, disrespectful words he used to describe McCain and McCain's service to country. He could come clean about his dealings with Russia and what seems like his illegal use of and/or reporting of election funds. He could share his taxes. He could rid his administration of cronyism and instead, work with the best and brightest, to lead our country. He could work with people of both parties to do what is right and good for all American people, not just a few. He could speak to his supporters and tell them that he is glad that they fo...

Trump's Example: What Not to Do

For a long time now, I've considered President Trump as an overcorrection--he's an example of what not to do and what can happen when our good work, efforts, and attention lapse. Perhaps Senator McCain's death and Trump's reaction is the greatest example to date of who not to be--we don't want to be people who let our own self-hate, grandiosity, lack of principles, and ignorance lead us to demean those who have done good work, demonstrated courage, and served others. One of Trump's lowest moments was when he demeaned McCain's bravery as a Prisoner of War as well as his service to our country. Trump, who avoided the draft due to bone spurs, painted McCain, who graduated from Annapolis, served in the United States Navy, endured torture as a POW, and then had a lifetime of public service, as a loser. This was one of the many glaring examples of how Trump has stepped on and demeaned others in an effort to raise himself up, however, the truth is, that with ever...

Counter Terrible Trump Times By Doing the Right Thing

Trump's continual derogatory, demeaning, dismissive, and dishonest rhetoric, decision making, and use of time stands like a wall between an America that strives to reach its potential and an America that is mired in old think. prejudice, and lethargy. The wall he imagines is the person he is--an obstruction to a thoughtful, positive, flow of energy, ideas, and action that takes us ahead. We don't need walls, human or created walls, but we do need leadership--people who respectively, positively, and humanely lead us forward with the best of their ability. When we choose a president, we don't just choose one man or woman, instead we choose someone who will use their good judgement to appoint a leadership team--a group of hard working, invested, and imaginative people who will act on intelligence, experience, and collaboration with the best and brightest to lead our country ahead. The problem with Trump is that somehow he got the electoral vote. We've yet to specific...

Election 2020: Pay Attention

The work for election 2020 has begun. What will you do? How will you prepare? What do you want? Like many, I want to right our country's path. I want to move away from the slander, name-calling, disrespect, and criminal behavior of the current Trump administration to better leadership. While I believe a president has to be strong, I don't believe they have to tell lies, demean others, name-call, tweet without discipline, incite hate, and promote greater prejudice and discrimination. I believe we should be looking for an incredibly strong leadership team with a president who is willing to acknowledge that he/she does not have all the answers, but that they do have the intelligence, experience, patriotism, and collaborative skill to work with the best and brightest people, people with great expertise and a will to serve, to lead for ALL Americans. As an American, this is what I hope for: A President Who Respects and Follows the Law I want a president who respec...

Why a Wall is a Crazy Idea; Improving Immigration is not a Quick Fix

To spend a lot of money on a wall to fix the immigration problem is a crazy idea. A wall will only make the problem worse. You can dig under a wall. You can fly over a wall. You can blow up a wall. You climb over a wall. You can make a hole in the wall. Walls are not impenetrable. Instead we need to think deeply about this immigration issue, and make good decisions about it. First, we have to consider reasons for illegal immigration. People come for opportunity, opportunity to make money, opportunity to live a better life, and opportunity to increase their status back home. Then we have to consider the multiple scenarios of this illegal immigration--how does it happen, and where is it a big problem. After that we have to work at the issue step-by-step with our long term interests and humanity as a guide. Stop illegal drugs and drug sales; end human trafficking. For example, illegal immigration that supports illegal drugs, guns, or human trafficking, needs to be...

You Can't Wish Negative Politics and Politicians Away

I wish these political days of shame and blame were over. I wish these days were replaced by respectful discourse and debate. The kind of civil discourse and debate that finds diverse people coming together with good process to make better. Instead we see many like our president and his cronies using shame and blame politics rather than positive, respectful efforts to share ideas, work with others, and move the country ahead. When we resort to shame and blame as individuals what we are really doing is showing everyone that we don't have a better idea, the perseverance to work for good change and development, or the smarts to move ahead. Instead we shame and blame others thinking that makes us stand tall, look better, and move ahead. But, all that shame and blame politics do is move us backward, waste time, and create divide. We can do better. First we have to rid ourselves of shame and blame--how often do we resort to blaming others rather than working for pos...

Are you patriotic?

Are you patriotic? Do you express devotion and vigorous support for the United States? How do you demonstrate that support? Do you pay your taxes? Do you study and understand the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other vital policies, laws, and protocols? Do you vote? Do you follow the law? Do you stand up for, and speak out against, those that work against our country's laws, rights, and freedoms? Do you work to support and elevate your own and others lives and service to one another? Do you work to protect our country's clean air, clean water, clean air? Do you look for, and work for, ways to better our country? Are you an honest citizen who speaks with truth, and works to collaborate with others from around the world with an eye on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all in this country and throughout the world? True patriots peacefully work for positive change to contribute to a strong, free, peaceful, and prosperous cou...

Recognize the Good; Work for Better

We have to stop to take note of the good that exists all around us, and then after that assessment, think about how you will work for better. I've seen a lot of good in my life, good that includes the following: hard working mom and dad who made and spent their money wisely to be able to afford a nice home and college educations for my siblings and me. education laws that provide support for students with learning disabilities. laws that equalized sports funding for girls and boys in public schools. high quality public and private schools beautiful national parks and public lands public supports via social security, medicare, housing, food access, and more--supports that help those that need it freedom to be who you are, say what you want, and live as you choose positive public health initiatives which have saved lives and made lives better good health care and medical advances easy access to information, music, film, and more via technology multiple transportation...

Be Ready to Give Something Up

In times of oppression, some unjustly have more than others. To right the wrongs of past oppression means that we have to give something up--we can't blindly go along thinking we can continue to reap the profits of oppression and rid our lives of that oppression too. One example is companies or individuals that have made a lot of money off of cheap labor. Some companies may have illegally or legally hired immigrants, paid those immigrants low wages, and neglected laws and procedures that could have helped those immigrants. Some people have reaped great rewards by immigrant labor. However to remedy the issues related to the immigration crisis, those companies and individuals have to give up earning great profits on the backs of illegal immigrants--instead they have to contribute to and work for fair, humane immigration laws and policies that create humane situations for immigrants. Another example may be people in the United States who are still profiting greatly from the free...

Trump Times: The Promise in the Problem

I am not happy with our president. His lack of respect and the way that he incites hate, confusion, and mistruth daily is dangerous and disconcerting. He is very childish in his ways, and thinks that leading the United States of America is a Do It Yourself (DYI) project. His ever-changing narrative about so many topics breeds mistrust, and the way he callously treats foreign partners and leaders around the world is worrisome. Instead I hope for a new president in the near future who will demonstrate good character, discipline, collaboration, and outstanding leadership--we need the President of the United States to exemplify the best of who people can be and we need the President of the United States to defend and protect the American people and our United States Constitution. It is questionable whether President Trump upholds the United States Constitution, the law of the land. There are many questions related to this--questions that lawmakers need to think about carefully, q...

Prepare to Vote: It's Your American Right and Responsibility

Years ago at a wonderful community road race on a bright fall day, I approached a state representative about an idea I had to give students who complete a high school government class, the opportunity to vote upon completion of the class. Upon hearing my idea, the representative simply disagreed with my idea and responded, "Then everyone would vote." She clearly was not in favor of making voting accessible, but instead wanted only to attract those to the polls that would likely vote for her and her agenda. I was surprised by her reaction, and naively had never realized there are some that don't want everyone to vote. That's become more and more clear as we watch the news today and notice ways that states and districts are making it more difficult for people to vote, and that's why people have to take responsibility by preparing to vote. I advocate for preparation when it comes to voting because many of us live very busy lives, and to vote, while it's a...

Is President Trump Demonstrating Fidelity to the Oath of Office?

No American has the monopoly on truth. No American has all the answers. No American is without strengths or flaws. All of us are human, and it is in our best interests to move ourselves, our loved ones, our neighbors, and our country ahead in ways that elevate the lives of all. This is what makes a strong, successful, just country. History shows us what self-centered, narrow-minded, do-it-yourself leaders do to the livelihood, potential, beauty, and promise people hold for good government, good laws, and a healthy planet. History demonstrates that destructive leaders divide, incite hate, take apart good systems, promote prejudice, and stand in the way of the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness possible. As we think about what makes a good leader versus a bad leader, we need to think about what we expect from our leaders. The United States Constitution clearly defines what elected leaders are obligated to do. In the preamble, we get the big picture of who and what a presi...

Be a Change Maker: Develop the Good that Exists

Since my earliest days, I have been drawn to those who want to make positive change and do what is right for others. As a young girl who regularly went to my neighborhood Catholic church and catechism, I was enamored and inspired by the stories of Jesus Christ. It was amazing to me that a man would live so simply, stand up for the rights of others, and even sacrifice his life for those beliefs. Later I felt a similar sense of inspiration and admiration for Ghandi, King, and Mandela--men who faced grave circumstances and made tremendous sacrifice to forward their vision for a better world. Still today we see people who speak up and act on behalf of the people--women and men who tirelessly stand up to injustice and work for the rights of all. These people, like Warren, Oprah, Vilson, the Obamas, Malala, Kyi, Moran, Lehmann, Healey, Gates, Culberhouse, and so many more who have touched my life with their work and/or stories, people who give their time, resources, intellect, and visi...

The Trump Effect is Dangerous

Trump's demeaning speak spews hate and lies in multiple directions. His praise for those at rallies is like the cheap syrup you buy at the corner store--a syrup that is sickeningly sweet, stains your countertops, and leaves you with a bitter aftertaste. His family's all-points support of Trump comes at us via falsehoods and more put-downs and insults. And then his appointed cronies at the White House stand up and speak out in contrast to the president as if the president has not said or done any of the outrageous and worrisome words and actions that we continually see right before our eyes. If these times were a work of fiction, we would credit the author with her ability to create such mystery, emotion, unimaginable characters, and such a twisted plot line, but this is real life with real people, and this tremendous explosion of contradiction, lies, trickery, confusion, and actions against our country's values, freedoms, rights, and respect is wholly worrisome and dangerou...

Lead Well: Effective Effort and Good Results

As I read the stories of leadership-gone-wrong and the wasted time, money, and lives that can create when you consider political leadership, I realize that the lessons from the school house, lessons we teach young students about effective effort and good results can make a difference. When political leadership is misguided, the damage can be great. Not telling the truth, leading people astray, inciting hate, and self-serving, too-narrow, backwards policy can results in lost time, capacity, lands, and lives. As much as possible we need to reach for and support political leadership that acts with effective effort, the kind of effort that brings people together to create laws, policies, and supports that forward good living and a healthy planet. When we cull the complex equations as to how we all will live together in peace and prosperity down to the simple ingredients of healthy, happy lives and a healthy, sustainable planet, that gives everyone a positive focus and good question...