You Can't Wish Negative Politics and Politicians Away

I wish these political days of shame and blame were over. I wish these days were replaced by respectful discourse and debate. The kind of civil discourse and debate that finds diverse people coming together with good process to make better.

Instead we see many like our president and his cronies using shame and blame politics rather than positive, respectful efforts to share ideas, work with others, and move the country ahead.

When we resort to shame and blame as individuals what we are really doing is showing everyone that we don't have a better idea, the perseverance to work for good change and development, or the smarts to move ahead. Instead we shame and blame others thinking that makes us stand tall, look better, and move ahead.

But, all that shame and blame politics do is move us backward, waste time, and create divide.

We can do better.

First we have to rid ourselves of shame and blame--how often do we resort to blaming others rather than working for positive change and growth. I know that happens to me sometimes. I'd like to see good change in one area of my teaching/learning environment. I've used a bit too much blaming rather than positive process to make that change happen. So I have to re-look at the situation and see how I can better my process, speak, and actions to work for that change. As I write, I'm thinking of a new avenue I'll pursue.

As we think ahead to elections 2016, we have to be good consumers of the candidates running for office. We have to ask ourselves who is running on a shame and blame platform and who is running with really good ideas for positive growth and development related to our rights, supports, institutions, communities, recreation, arts, and environment. We is ready to tackle the tough issues with other lawmakers? Who is willing to seek good process to find common ground? Who are the patriots who don't stay mired in negative speech, but instead move us forward?

I will be thinking of that soon as I do my election research and ready to vote. We can't wish bad politics and politicians away, but we can work for better in positive, respectful, and forward moving ways. Lesson for self and others too. We can do better. 


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