Prepare to Vote: It's Your American Right and Responsibility

Years ago at a wonderful community road race on a bright fall day, I approached a state representative about an idea I had to give students who complete a high school government class, the opportunity to vote upon completion of the class. Upon hearing my idea, the representative simply disagreed with my idea and responded, "Then everyone would vote." She clearly was not in favor of making voting accessible, but instead wanted only to attract those to the polls that would likely vote for her and her agenda.

I was surprised by her reaction, and naively had never realized there are some that don't want everyone to vote. That's become more and more clear as we watch the news today and notice ways that states and districts are making it more difficult for people to vote, and that's why people have to take responsibility by preparing to vote.

I advocate for preparation when it comes to voting because many of us live very busy lives, and to vote, while it's a terrific right and freedom, is also an extra job that requires organization and transportation.

I took some time one morning this summer to read all about the voting laws and opportunities in Massachusetts. Then I created the document above as a quick reference to what people have to do to vote. I added links for Massachusetts, but the document can be easily remade with your own state's links by clicking this document, clicking "file", then clicking "make a copy", and then making your own copy with links the match your state and/or community's information.

As for my own preparation. I know my husband and I are registered. I want to make sure that all my children are registered and that they have absentee ballots if needed. I'm also going to work on my nieces and nephews to make sure they are registered and ready to vote. I may join a voting registration effort in the city I live in too.  I want everyone to get out there and vote so that we truly have a country by the people for the people. I believe that the more people are well educated about the elections, the more that people vote, and the more that people get involved, the better off our country will be.

For preparation I also have some reading to do and I want to add the election dates to my calendar so that I don't agree to fill time that I could be voting with other matters.


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