Are you patriotic?
Are you patriotic?
Do you express devotion and vigorous support for the United States?
How do you demonstrate that support?
Do you pay your taxes?
Do you study and understand the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other vital policies, laws, and protocols?
Do you vote?
Do you follow the law?
Do you stand up for, and speak out against, those that work against our country's laws, rights, and freedoms?
Do you work to support and elevate your own and others lives and service to one another?
Do you work to protect our country's clean air, clean water, clean air?
Do you look for, and work for, ways to better our country?
Are you an honest citizen who speaks with truth, and works to collaborate with others from around the world with an eye on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all in this country and throughout the world?
True patriots peacefully work for positive change to contribute to a strong, free, peaceful, and prosperous country--a country free of oppression and a country that works for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, not some.
Are you patriotic? If so, why? If not, what can you to change that?
Do you express devotion and vigorous support for the United States?
How do you demonstrate that support?
Do you pay your taxes?
Do you study and understand the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, and other vital policies, laws, and protocols?
Do you vote?
Do you follow the law?
Do you stand up for, and speak out against, those that work against our country's laws, rights, and freedoms?
Do you work to support and elevate your own and others lives and service to one another?
Do you work to protect our country's clean air, clean water, clean air?
Do you look for, and work for, ways to better our country?
Are you an honest citizen who speaks with truth, and works to collaborate with others from around the world with an eye on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all in this country and throughout the world?
True patriots peacefully work for positive change to contribute to a strong, free, peaceful, and prosperous country--a country free of oppression and a country that works for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all, not some.
Are you patriotic? If so, why? If not, what can you to change that?
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