Trump's Example: What Not to Do

For a long time now, I've considered President Trump as an overcorrection--he's an example of what not to do and what can happen when our good work, efforts, and attention lapse.

Perhaps Senator McCain's death and Trump's reaction is the greatest example to date of who not to be--we don't want to be people who let our own self-hate, grandiosity, lack of principles, and ignorance lead us to demean those who have done good work, demonstrated courage, and served others. One of Trump's lowest moments was when he demeaned McCain's bravery as a Prisoner of War as well as his service to our country. Trump, who avoided the draft due to bone spurs, painted McCain, who graduated from Annapolis, served in the United States Navy, endured torture as a POW, and then had a lifetime of public service, as a loser. This was one of the many glaring examples of how Trump has stepped on and demeaned others in an effort to raise himself up, however, the truth is, that with every demeaning and disrespectful comment and act, Trump has dug a deeper hole of disrespect for himself--who wants to follow a leader who blames and shames continuously rather than demonstrating good character, decision making, and the kind of leadership you want to use as a model for yourself, your children, and your community members.

Trump's resistance to finding out what happened with Russian cyberattacks and his praise for Manafort after his conviction of criminal behavior are further examples of his poor character and dangerous leadership.

Trump is an example of what not to do and who not to be--he is a dangerous president whose greatest gift to the American people will be his example of who not to be and what not to do. Hopefully McCain's death will be part of McCain's lasting gift to the American people--a gift that brings two former party leaders and presidents to stage to highlight his life's good work and contribution and to lead us forward as a people. McCain's courage in his last years and his good decisions throughout his life provide an example of what and who to be. Though I can't say that I always agreed with McCain's choices, I can say that he was a man of character who provided many examples of courage, good leadership, and good living--examples that will provide us with important leadership even after his death.


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