Election 2020: Pay Attention

The work for election 2020 has begun.

What will you do?

How will you prepare?

What do you want?

Like many, I want to right our country's path. I want to move away from the slander, name-calling, disrespect, and criminal behavior of the current Trump administration to better leadership.

While I believe a president has to be strong, I don't believe they have to tell lies, demean others, name-call, tweet without discipline, incite hate, and promote greater prejudice and discrimination.

I believe we should be looking for an incredibly strong leadership team with a president who is willing to acknowledge that he/she does not have all the answers, but that they do have the intelligence, experience, patriotism, and collaborative skill to work with the best and brightest people, people with great expertise and a will to serve, to lead for ALL Americans.

As an American, this is what I hope for:

A President Who Respects and Follows the Law
I want a president who respects and follows the law, not a president that looks for ways to cut corners and serve himself or herself while setting a poor example for all Americans, and in particular, young Americans who need strong, honest, patriotic leaders.

An Ethical, Honest, Intelligent President
I want a president who has high regard for ethics, one who does not simply hire those who donated money to his/her campaign, is related, or is a friend, but instead one who appoints the best and brightest people to lead the many important governmental departments and initiatives. We need really good people serving with the president whose experience leads them to care well for the environment, promote peaceful global relations, ensure that regulations keep big business, the banks, and other ventures in check so that all American consumers profit, streamline/clarify/humanize immigration policies, elevate education for every public school student, enrich communities and make them safer, and more.

A President Who Prioritizes the Environment
A president who will look after the environment by investing in green energy technology, preserving national lands, protecting and increasing clean water, clean soil, and clean air, working with other countries to look for innovative ways to protect Earth's resources, and finding ways to lead the American people and all the world's people forward in more Earth-friendly ways to live. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to live, work, and play in healthy, beautiful, inspiring natural environments.

A President Who Values and Supports Education
Rather than putting a big donor in charge of the nation's schools, I want a president who seeks out an educational leader who has clearly demonstrated his/her expertise, interest, successful efforts, and will to better all public schools for all students in the country.

A President Who Values Affordable and Accessible Health Care for All Citizens
I want a president who truly works for access to quality health care for all citizens.

A President Who Values Family and Looks for Ways to Support American Families
I want a president who clearly understands the value of family, and how families, when supported well, truly enrich the lives of their members. I use a broad definition of family which is the people you love and live with.

A President Who Understands the Value of the Arts, Recreation, National Parks, and Global Relations
I want a president who understands that good living is not about money alone, but about building culture, the kind of culture that enriches lives, promotes peace, and develops understanding, empathy, joy, and community amongst people.

A President Who Leads with Clarity, Discipline, Understanding, and Care
I don't want a callous, hateful, and demeaning president, but instead I want a president who truly cares for all Americans and works tirelessly and collaboratively with others to develop our country to be the best it can be. I don't want a conniving, callous, careless president, but instead an honest, good man or woman who will do all he or she can to lead the American people forward towards life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans.

I plan to watch carefully as people stand up to run for the presidency. I plan to watch those in the sidelines too, those steadfast lawmakers and citizens who contribute greatly to our country. I will choose not only a presidential candidate, but a presidential team--I will be looking for the people that come together to lead our country. I'll be asking are these people honest, good people with admirable track records or are they crooks and criminals? I will be looking to see what matters to them and what they stand for? I will be comparing who they are, what they do, and what they want with the and of leaders I think will run our country best.
  1. All Americans need to get involved in the following ways:
  2. Ready and prepare to vote.
  3. Vote.
  4. Regularly read and research about all candidates. Read and watch all you can from a variety of platforms.
  5. Join voters' and citizens' groups that share your point of view.
  6. Stay open minded and be willing to change your mind as you learn new information.
  7. Don't degrade the opposition, but instead meet their points of view and comments with facts and figures.
  8. Don't accept disrespect. Call people out who are disrespectful in respectful ways, and speak up when information shared is incorrect--provide evidence to prove your point. 
We are a great country and world. Most people are hard working, good people who want the best for themselves, their loved ones, and others. We can't tolerate greedy, self-serving individuals and leaders who cheat to get what they want--there's no good room for leaders or citizens like that. There's too much good potential out there to waste our time on crooks and criminals who use us rather than lead or contribute. That's why we all have to do what we can to be educated citizens who contribute our talents and skills while also readying and preparing to vote in the midterms and later to make sure our country is run by the best leaders and people that we have.


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