Unite America
This morning I watched the video that explained the efforts of Russian trolls, an effort to pull our country apart:
After watching the video, I found myself delighted with the idea that the American people can use knowledge to fight against this ill-directed foreign influence. We can fight back with understanding and a will to elevate our American ideals by knowing our rights and privileges, understanding our government and how it works, and working together as a people with civil discourse, debate, and efforts to work to protect and forward our American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every American.
Fight Against Crime
To begin with, as Americans, we have to fight against crime. We cannot allow our political leaders to act in ways that don't follow the law. If the laws are holding people back then people have to work to change the laws, but while laws are in place, we have to hold all political leaders accountable to those laws.
Investigate When Suspicious Behavior Occurs
We also have to support the Mueller investigations. Let's face it Mueller has uncovered quite a bit of corruption, corruption that steals money, rights, and opportunity from hard working Americans. When you read about the greed related to this corruption, you understand how unfair it is for some to think they are above the law, and then earn extraordinary wealth by unlawful means. This kind of behavior is criminal and the people who perpetuated these crimes should be punished.
Protect Our Elections, Rights, and Free Country
Similarly there are many rules and laws that help to keep our elections free and clear of corruption. It appears that some did not take those laws and rules seriously, and worked against these regulations to corrupt our elections. If we want a free and strong country, we have to protect everyone's right to vote and we have to protect our free elections. As the world changes, there will continue to be threats against our free nation, elections, and rights, and as a country, we have to continually work against those threats. So complete the Mueller investigation, try those who we believe broke the laws, and use the knowledge that comes from this investigation to keep our elections strong.
Work Together With Common Values, Civil Discourse and Debate, and the Knowledge that Together We Do Better
As a nation we have to embrace our freedom of speech and freedom of press that allows us to learn about the issues that exist and then work to discuss and debate those issues civilly. We won't always agree, but together we can inch our way ahead to create the kind of country we want.
We all have to exercise our right to vote--we have to support each others ability to research the candidates, get to the polls, and vote.
We can better unite the USA at this turn in the road--this matters, and this is the promise in the problem that the Russian trolls have created. We can do better.
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