
Showing posts from July, 2018

I don't have all the answers

I am one American who sees the world with one set of eyes and one person's experience of life. I don't have all the answers. I do, however, believe I share multiple beliefs and values with all or almost all Americans including the following: I value freedom of speech, freedom of press, and freedom of religion. I value the freedom to own a gun, however I believe it's time in the modern world to regulate that freedom so that those who are irresponsible, unhealthy, or unable to safely operate a gun are not able to own guns. Too many Americans have senselessly and violently lost their lives via poor, irresponsible, and criminal use of guns. I value America's aim to work for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every American I value a country that prides itself as being a humane and respectful country I believe we have to work with other world leaders and countries to solve the big problems of living including immigration, protecting our natural resour...

Unite America

This morning I watched the video that explained the efforts of Russian trolls, an effort to pull our country apart: After watching the video, I found myself delighted with the idea that the American people can use knowledge to fight against this ill-directed foreign influence. We can fight back with understanding and a will to elevate our American ideals by knowing our rights and privileges, understanding our government and how it works, and working together as a people with civil discourse, debate, and efforts to work to protect and forward our American ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for every American. Fight Against Crime To begin with, as Americans, we have to fight against crime. We cannot allow our political leaders to act in ways that don't follow the law. If the laws are holding people back then people have to work to change the laws, but while laws are in place, we have to hold all political leaders accountable to those laws.  Investi...

We Hold Limitless Potential for Betterment

Source Since my earliest days, I have seen the great potential that people and communities hold for betterment. That's probably why I grabbed on to Theilhard de Chardin's idea that we are continuously evolving towards a greater good. I believe those words, and we see science proving those words today with Pinker's research as one example . The understanding that greater good, like a magnet, is leading us forward as a people doesn't mean that there will not be bad times or challenging situations, but instead means that together we are inching our way ahead of our old time primitive selves to a more complete, loving, and better existence. I have noticed the power of this belief in my own life and the lives of others--I know it's best to reflect on the past in order to take with us past beliefs, acts, and objects that have value, and with that knowledge move onto the future with each other by using our creativity, imagination, collaboration, and communication ...

What Do Americans Want?

A friend and I had a long discussion about the country this morning. My friend and I talk often about this topic and we have our fair share of disagreements too. This friend opens my mind, makes me think, and teaches me. Today during our discussion, we discussed the following questions. Do Americans want a feudal system? It appears that President Trump supports a feudal system. Is this what Americans want? What does the United States working class want? Reports show that many in this class feel disenfranchised. If that's true, then how can we find out what these people really want--how can their voices be heard, and their needs met? What is a fair immigration policy? While most people will agree that people should be treated with humanity, and that we have to look out for the needs, rights, and privileges of those who are less fortunate, how does this translate into fair and doable immigration policies? Open borders is an ideal, yet is our country ready for that ideal? H...

It's Time to Impeach Trump

Time and again I've been dragged down the Trumphole in the past few years. His loud and demeaning presence draws my attention time and again. I just can't believe that we elected an individual to be President of the United States who spends considerable time demeaning hard working Americans day in and day out, a man who appears to say whatever he wants when he wants whether it is true or not and a man who appears to lead for self interest, wealth, and power for himself and a few cronies here and abroad. Like many, the 2016 Presidential election was frustrating. I was listening to all sides, reading articles, and watching news shows to learn about the many candidates. In the end, I voted for Hillary Clinton because I felt that she was the best candidate for the job. She had the experience and her work illustrated her care for children and what's best for the country. Like many Americans on election night, I thought Hillary would win. The polls demonstrated that she was le...

Trump Times: How I understand it and what I'll do

I have not been a fan of President Trump's crude and disrespectful language. I have also not been a fan of many of his actions including his support for tax breaks for the wealthiest citizens, separating young children from their parents at the border, little to no regard for our natural resources and lands, and lack of evident support for education, health care, and apt social benefits for all who need them. I am also skeptical about Trump's path to the Presidency and am watching closely the information related to that. Bottom line, Did President Trump knowingly reach out to a foreign power himself or by the use of others to enlist Putin and Russia's illegal support of his candidacy? Also if he did that, did he make promises to Russia that compromise good, fair diplomacy and our democratic values and ideas? When I think of Trump's presidency, I find myself worried by so many images and his ways of speaking. The worried looks on little children's faces as they s...