Everyone is Asking for Money: The Benefit of Fair Taxation

Many would have you believe that taxes are the nemesis of society, but I believe, instead, fair taxation is the life-blood of a good society. To forward a society that promotes life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens, we need to pool our resources to support what we need to be a strong, vital community for today and into the future.

Fair taxation depends on the voice and choice of many public bodies and elected officials coming together to make decisions around the common good. Fair taxation relies on these questions:
  • Who are we as a nation?
  • What do we value?
  • What are we willing to support?
Everywhere people are asking me for money. I am actually confused about who many of these groups are and if the money will be used fairly. I am actually more trusting of good public policy and use of money than countless outside, individual agencies who reach out for support, though there are organizations I do support, organizations that I know well. I wish I could support these organizations even more, but there are always difficult choices to make with regard to who you support and how.

As a nation, though, we can truly align taxation with the public good. Personally I am a fan of taxation that does the following:
  • Promote good living for all citizens with regard to homes, nutrition, recreation, health care, and education. I believe a well-supported, well-educated, healthy, and happy populous leads to less money spent in areas of crime, health care, and other needs that tear at the fabric of our society.
  • Fair laws and rights. I believe that when people's rights are protected, there is less crime and less problems.
  • Protection of our natural resources. When our land, water, and air are protected, they contribute to happy, healthy citizens who contribute to dynamic communities.
  • Laws that monitor and control drugs, guns/weapons, pollution, and too much power on behalf of single companies and other entities help to keep our country a fair and equitable society that opens the doors to opportunity to all citizens.
  • High quality, environmentally friendly and safe infrastructure. 
I agree that we have to be careful about taxation, and make sure that the dollars are spent well to support all. I also believe that the lands and resources belong to all of us, and that everyone has to pay their share to protect our environment. No one person or group should have the bigger say and access to our natural resources. 

Figuring out a simple, but comprehensive, algorithm for taxation for such a big country like the United States is a real mathematical challenge--one that requires the best minds and best intent. It's not an opportunity to uplift the wealth of a few, but instead to look for ways to elevate the living of many. 

We all need to voice our thoughts and opinions about this matter and support fair taxation that leads to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all of our country's people, not just a select few. 


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