It's Time to Impeach Trump
Time and again I've been dragged down the Trumphole in the past few years. His loud and demeaning presence draws my attention time and again. I just can't believe that we elected an individual to be President of the United States who spends considerable time demeaning hard working Americans day in and day out, a man who appears to say whatever he wants when he wants whether it is true or not and a man who appears to lead for self interest, wealth, and power for himself and a few cronies here and abroad.
Like many, the 2016 Presidential election was frustrating. I was listening to all sides, reading articles, and watching news shows to learn about the many candidates. In the end, I voted for Hillary Clinton because I felt that she was the best candidate for the job. She had the experience and her work illustrated her care for children and what's best for the country. Like many Americans on election night, I thought Hillary would win. The polls demonstrated that she was leading. I was ready to celebrate. Yet as the votes came in, that hope began to dwindle. I couldn't believe it. I stayed up until the early morning hours when Trump announced his win. I listened to his words and decided that I would have an open mind. He accepted the Presidency with a good attitude and demeanor.
I watched news of the inauguration, and I still had hope that Trump would right his speak, actions, and focus. Then the next day, Trump's first full day as President, while I was watching the inspiring Women's March on television, I heard that the President was about to speak and I turned the channel to watch President Trump's first speech as President to the CIA. His words worried me greatly since rather than focus on the potential, possibility, and good work ahead, he appeared to be hyper-focused on himself, his numbers, and the press. This worried me greatly because it demonstrated that he had no sense of the importance of the meeting, who he was speaking to, and the importance of the Women's March going on right outside the White House.
As time went on, Trump's continuous demeaning, disrespectful, and disturbing tweets further discouraged me. Would this president be able to lead our country in ways that matter? I listened a lot, read a lot, talked to friends, and reflected. I was not impressed. As news stories continued to emerge about potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, I worried. I worried more when Trump treated Comey with such suspicious behavior and then fired Comey stating, "this Russia thing" was part of his reasoning for firing Comey. Also when he hosted the Russian leaders at the White House and would only let the Russian news reporters attend the meeting, I became more suspicious and worried. I knew we needed an independent investigation, and I was so pleased when Congress forwarded this effort and Mueller took the reigns of the independent investigation. I was happy that Mueller was well regarded by both Democrats and Republicans.
Since May 2017 when Mueller started his investigation there have been so many troubling turns in presidential road--turns that have cost me sleep, time, energy, and confidence in Trump. During that time these events have led me to what I believe today which is that Mueller's investigation must continue and Congress should begin impeachment proceedings--we can't let Trump continue to jeopardize the good country that we have.
Specific events that have troubled me most include the following:
Like many, the 2016 Presidential election was frustrating. I was listening to all sides, reading articles, and watching news shows to learn about the many candidates. In the end, I voted for Hillary Clinton because I felt that she was the best candidate for the job. She had the experience and her work illustrated her care for children and what's best for the country. Like many Americans on election night, I thought Hillary would win. The polls demonstrated that she was leading. I was ready to celebrate. Yet as the votes came in, that hope began to dwindle. I couldn't believe it. I stayed up until the early morning hours when Trump announced his win. I listened to his words and decided that I would have an open mind. He accepted the Presidency with a good attitude and demeanor.
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Trump's speech to the CIA |
As time went on, Trump's continuous demeaning, disrespectful, and disturbing tweets further discouraged me. Would this president be able to lead our country in ways that matter? I listened a lot, read a lot, talked to friends, and reflected. I was not impressed. As news stories continued to emerge about potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, I worried. I worried more when Trump treated Comey with such suspicious behavior and then fired Comey stating, "this Russia thing" was part of his reasoning for firing Comey. Also when he hosted the Russian leaders at the White House and would only let the Russian news reporters attend the meeting, I became more suspicious and worried. I knew we needed an independent investigation, and I was so pleased when Congress forwarded this effort and Mueller took the reigns of the independent investigation. I was happy that Mueller was well regarded by both Democrats and Republicans.
Since May 2017 when Mueller started his investigation there have been so many troubling turns in presidential road--turns that have cost me sleep, time, energy, and confidence in Trump. During that time these events have led me to what I believe today which is that Mueller's investigation must continue and Congress should begin impeachment proceedings--we can't let Trump continue to jeopardize the good country that we have.
Specific events that have troubled me most include the following:
- Trump's daily demeaning, disrespectful, and often dishonest tweets.
- Trump's negligence and destruction with regard to our allies and the need for positive global partnerships.
- Trump's go-it-alone attitude which negates the tremendous intelligence, creativity, and experience of dedicated Americans from multiple disciplines.
- Trump's consistent denial of the need for environmental protections and supports across the globe.
- Trump's seemingly prejudicial attitudes and behaviors that appear to support Nationalist ideals rather than an inclusive respect and support for our country's tremendous diversity.
- Trump's inhumane attitude, speak, and actions towards poor immigrants, and his unwillingness to work on this problem with leaders in our own country and abroad.
- Trump's willingness to appeal to and elevate cronies by giving them important jobs in government rather than hiring people who have the skill, knowledge, and expertise to do those jobs well.
- Trump's seemingly disinterest in the rights and opportunities of everyday people as he dismantles environmental supports/protections and refuses to work towards supporting more accessible, quality public education and health care for all people in our country.
- Trump's continuous efforts to discredit any media outlet that doesn't parrot what he says when he says it.
- Trump's continuous use of marketing efforts such as repetition of exaggerated and easy to understand phrases again and again to incite fear, hate, and misinformation to support his agenda which appears to be his own power, ego, and wealth.
- Trump's eagerness to entertain and do our nation's business at his private clubs. I believe this is unethical and unsafe too.
- Trump's unwillingness to support the investigation related to foreign influence on our elections which says to me that he supports this influence otherwise why wouldn't he support an investigation to figure out what happened and then make positive change.
I am similarly disheartened, discouraged, and greatly worried by Trump's Republican cronies who continuously support Trump's speak and actions with no true interest in honestly working with other law makers and the American people to elevate our country's ability to uplift lives for all people in the United States and abroad. It appears that we have many current law makers who are beholding to special interests, potentially guilty of illegal and unethical behaviors, and/or too lazy, afraid, and cowardly to do the job they've been elected to do. The joke is on all of us tax payers because we are paying them a good salary with great benefits to work for all American people not just their self interest, wealth, and cronies. Fortunately we still have some fair minded, hard working, and caring legislators. National leaders from Massachusetts are working around the clock to make change in countless areas to better lives for all Americans especially everyday Americans who are busy living their lives and meeting their obligations day after day.
Similar to when Trump fired Comey, Trump's evident support of Putin and the Russian government over the interests and intel of the American people and the justice departments is a sharp turn in the road, the turn that tells me it is time to start impeachment proceedings. It appears to me that Trump is beholding to Putin, and that his need to do what Putin requires is greater than his will to be faithful to the oath he took as President of the United States. We've wasted a lot of time, energy, money, and debate on Trump--this wasteful effort has harmed our country in many ways. It's time to end this disturbing and destructive comedy, and begin impeachment proceedings. Trump couldn't be more transparent in his will to work against the American people. It's as if he's crying out, "Impeach Me! Fire Me!" So let's heed his evident will to be fired from the job he is apparently unable to do. We can do better.
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